Tips for an Efficient HVAC System

Tips for an Efficient HVAC System

Having an efficient HVAC system in your home can improve overall comfort and air quality. There are several ways to maintain an efficient HVAC system for your home without having to go through a hassle. An efficient HVAC system correctly installed will help maintain a comfortable temperature in your home during both cold and warm weather. It will also help improve the air quality of your home. Options such as humidity control and air purifiers could help make improving air quality in your home significantly...

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The Importance of Monitoring Humidity Levels with HVAC Systems

The Importance of Monitoring Humidity Levels with HVAC Systems

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends keeping indoor humidity levels between 30-50% year-round to maintain comfort levels and good air quality.  The Problems With High Humidity Levels Too much humidity in a home, and the risk of having mold, mildew, dust, and allergens increases substantially. High humidity levels also cause damage to hardwood floors and fabrics, condensation on windows, and a musty odor in the home. With high humidity levels, the home feels too warm, causing HVAC systems to work harder...

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How Ecoer Can Help Save Money and Energy

How Ecoer Can Help Save Money and Energy

The higher the SEER and HSPF numbers, the better it is for energy efficiency, reducing carbon footprint and cost! Older residential HVAC systems may work for most families, but it does not mean that the system is running as efficiently as it could be. Using the innovative technology of tomorrow, Ecoer’s inverter system uses just the right amount of energy along with Ecoer’s patented IoT Gateway System to give homeowners a peace of mind at an affordable cost.   The Rating System   The SEER (Seasonal...

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